Monday, 21 October 2013


180 degree rule

Busted Year 3000
In film making, the 180-degree rule is a basic guideline regarding the on-screen spatial relationship between a character and another character or object within a scene. An imaginary line called the axisconnects the characters, and by keeping the camera on one side of this axis for every shot in the scene, the first character is always frame right of the second character, who is then always frame left of the first. The camera passing over the axis is called jumping the line or crossing the line; breaking the 180-degree rule by shooting on all sides is known as shooting in the round.

The 180 degree rule is where there is a camera that only turns 180 degrees. This camera can only see what is in front of the camera. Whatever is behinds cannot be seen, this can be useful due to the camera crew sound crew and other roles are behind the camera. these can all do their jobs normally close to the where the scene is being based and not worry about getting in the way of the camera. the camera moves and can only see what is in front from a 180 degree angle.

Rule Of Thirds

In the rule of thirds, photos are divided into thirds with two imaginary lines vertically and two lines horizontally making three columns, three rows, and nine sections in the images. Important compositional elements and leading lines are placed on or near the imaginary lines and where the lines intersect.

However there is another method, 'rule of thirds' this is very good and useful for getting two different faces on one screen. one of the actors face is on one side on the screen, they pull the facial expression as if the person they are talking to is next to them, however on another camera the face of the other person is on the opposite side of the screen and they do the same expression.

1 comment:

  1. Your explanation of these rules aren't quite accurate Tom. Your chosen images do relate to the rules however. NYA,
