Thursday, 19 June 2014

7. sky 1 case study

SKY 1 

How is sky funded?

Advertising; Sky TV advertises its channel to a range of different companies to promote its publicity for other people to start watching the channel. The channels sky provide can be bought by other companies for advertising slots.
Subscription TV: Sky 1 gets sponsorship from a variety of different brands and companies such as football. football isn't shown on sky 1 however it is shown on sky sports channels. these sky sports channels cost. people have to pay sky to watch these channels. if you have paid for sky  sports you will also have sky 1 as it is in the same deal. sky charge a fee of £21.50 a month for a range of 35 plus channels and also within that deal you receive 11 Free-to-air channels.
Online/Mobile: if customers already have a sky account they can log in online or on a smartphone to watch programs they don't want to miss. this is used for if someone is out and cannot get to their sky box then they will record a program using this method. sky television is mainly funded by different advertisements.  
Sponsorship: Sky have one main sponsor this is a British professional cycling team that competes in many different competitions.

The creation of the team was announced on 26 February 2009, with the major sponsorship provided by BskyB. The company were searching for a sport in which they could have a positive and wide-ranging impact through sponsorship. This  occurred in 2008 with a £1 million sponsorship.

Sky Ownership:
BSB( British Sky Broadcasting) a British telecommunications company that serves customers in the united kingdom. The company serve television and broadband internet. BSB was the countrys' most popular digital TV company until it was taken over by 'free view' in april 2007. in november 1990 by the merger of SKY TV and BSB, BSB became the UK's largest Digital subscription Television company. 

Target Audience:
The target audience market for sky includes everyone as almost everyone watches television! Therefore, it remains imperative to tailer sky marketing messages yo different segmented of the population. although the core audience remains the 'family fun', unit SKY, different features and benefits have different levels of appeal, so it is necessary to communicate these different options to the various target audiences. 

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