Thursday, 2 October 2014

3. stop motion animation guide

Importing clips:

importing the clips into final cut so you can produce your animation can be a challenge, however you will need the camera that you have filmed on. This camera will have a lead that will go into the side of the camera from there you will need to plug the other end into the back of the apple mac screen. once this is done open final cut on the apple mac, go to the top and click on 'file' then scroll down to 'log and transfer.  highlight each shot ht you want to place ad to final cut drag the footage down from the top left into the bottom left ,where it says 'Drag Media Here'. Once all of the footage that is needed is dragged into this box the top right of that box has a loading bar for each clip. Once all the clips have been  they will be added to your final cut and ready to be edited accordingly 

laying on the timeline:
laying clips onto the timeline can sound confusing, however is very simple part of creating your stop motion animation. You will need to understand how to place different clip onto the timeline and when. as you have now imported all the clips you need to produce your animation you have to place the clips in the right order onto your timeline. this is so when you press play the animation will come together frame by frame. the clips that are available to your will be on the top left box on final cut you need need to establish which is the beginning of your animation. take the clip that will be the beginning and drag it down into the middle column of the bottom box. you will have to drag down each frame separately and place them next to each other starting from left to right. Each frame you will place will have to be touching the frame before. 

Cutting is a very simple but very effective piece of final cut. once you have placed down each frame side by side and hit play you may thing that it runs smoothly but very slow. this is due to each frame being shown for a long period of time. however to shorten this you will find the cutting tool in the tool bar to the bottom right. once you have clicked onto the tool bar you can then use the mouse to hover over the frames that you want to slow down. you will need to click on the frame. if you wanted to half the time that is is shown for you will click half way across the frame if you want the frame shorter click to the left more and then longer you click to the right. The cutting step inst finished yet. you will still be left with the other half of the frame. if you have cut everything down to size then you will have to go back to the tool box and then click on the icon of the mouse. you will need to click each frame you don't want separately and press delete. move each frame next to each other and your cutting stage is over.

transitions are used when the there is a either a new camera angle of shot frame. you may find that throughout your animation when the camera angle is changed or there is a change in scene then it may not flow as nice as you planned it out to be. Transitions help this out they give an effect that you place in-between clips. to add a transition into your animation you will need to do certain steps. you will need to click between the two clips that you want the transition then once you have clicked you will need to go to the top and click on 'effect' then scroll down and click on transitions. once you have done this many different transitions will appear you can choose the one you want and once you have clicked on one it will appear between your two clips. 

Adding sound Effect and music:

Exporting the document:
To export your final edited animation onto DVD can be very simple. if you go to the top of your page and click on 'file'  then scroll down to 'share'. A box will then appear in the middle of the page you will need to click the far left box and scroll up to DVD. Then change the file name and then render it. which is compiling into a new video. 


   you can have various different characters within an iStopAnimation. for the animation you could use things like Lego or clay, these can be moved easily and only have small movements making it perfect for iStopAnimation.
    I would only use clay or Lego.
   Lego: set up the scenery you want in the backdrop and have were the main characters go clearly visible.
  Clay: mold the clay into the different shapes you want make it as realistic as you possibly can. 


Camera Shot/ Movement 

Different camera angles will be used to film an iStopMotion, however, the same camera angle and shit will be repeated a numerous of times, the only thing that will changes is the characters as they are moving. the camera will have to be kept still so the scenery and other parts of the animation stay they same and looks realistic. 

keep the camera still at all times on the main art that is being filmed. take 3 photos of each piece of movement your character does. only move the camera when the scene is finished

There will be a lot off editing for an animation to work well, some pictures may have to be cropped out or added in. The editing is a very crucial part off an animation as it puts it all together. many photos will be taken and to be managed by hand is very difficult, iStopMotion allows all the photos to be placed in one section and then looked through and edited. 

 The sound is also a very crucial to the animation. Animation doesn't have anyone talking throughout the filming, it all has to be added in afterwards, same with noise effect and music. The sound can play a big part withing the animation as it gives it noise giving it more emotion and feeling to it. living it up and not letting it be boring. 

1 comment:

  1. pass for merit explain how to make a is top animation
